Self Storage Marketing

Analyze the Competition
I cannot think of a single competitive business endeavor where strategy does not play a preeminent role in success. However, it is perplexing how few people recognize strategy for what it is. Because of the rapidly expanding growth in the self-storage business, more attention is being paid to competition and there self storage marketing. But mimicking competitors’ pricing is not a strategy, it’s a tactic and a losing one to boot. All you accomplish is the lowering of both of your profit margins.

Analysis is the critical starting point of strategic thinking. You must then judge precisely the right moment to attack or withdraw while correctly assessing the limits of compromise. You must remain flexible and be able to come up with realistic responses to changing situations. It doesn’t matter whether you are a national or regional corporation or a single-facility owner, strategic self storage marketing applies to you equally.

A Competitive Advantage
You will increase your probability of success significantly if you apply the basics of marketing to your strategic planning. “I once wrote a five-year business and supporting marketing plan for a division of a highly successful corporation. To me, there was always a fuzzy line between the business plan, which included a corporate, customer and competitive strategy, and the marketing plan, which incorporated much of the same.” Pete Faracovic, Self Storage Marketing Specialist.

In the real world of business, “perfect” strategies are not called for. What counts is a company’s performance relative to its competition. A good self storage marketing strategy is one by which a company can gain significant ground on its competitors at an acceptable cost to itself. The goal is to avoid doing the same thing on the same battleground as the competition.

London Self-StorageLondon Self-Storage – businesses in the UK and Europe are supported by the Self-Storage Association, now established over 7 years, which continues to see a steady 20% growth at its annual conferences and this pattern looks set to continue.