Self Storage Investment
It was the real estate developers of the late 1960s who first recognized the growing demand for residential and commercial storage. They also recognized the enormous investment potential self storage offered. With that, the stage was set for the industry we know today.
With a return on investment (ROI) often twice that of real estate development, the self-storage industry has doubled in size every decade since. Today, few businesses outperform self storage when it comes to high cash returns. As a solid real estate investment, it offers rapid asset appreciation and greater passive income than other business ventures.
Additionally, self storage allows you more control over your investment. By selecting a custom-made business venture, you will maximize your returns and build a substantial net worth over time. You can chart your own course and reap the financial rewards for doing so! Best of all, you can see, feel, and touch this type of investment.
To better understand its full potential, take a few minutes and review this section of our web site. You will learn how self storage differentiates from other investments, calculate your return on investment, analyze potential cash flow, and why to begin your self storage business now. We are confident you will discover why self storage is a solid investment.
London Self-Storage – businesses in the UK and Europe are supported by the Self-Storage Association, now established over 7 years, which continues to see a steady 20% growth at its annual conferences and this pattern looks set to continue.